How We Handle Complaints

At GB Bank, we are committed to providing you with exceptional products and services, but, we appreciate that sometimes things can go wrong. If you feel we have not lived up to your expectation we’d like to know so we can put it right for you and all of our customers.

We’ll do our very best to find a solution for you.
Our promise is to:

  • treat your complaint fairly and promptly
  • wherever possible, resolve your complaint within 3 business days of you contacting us
  • where our investigation takes longer than this, we will send you a letter to let you know and we will keep you regularly updated on our progress until we can provide a final response.

How to make a complaint
Savings Complaint

If you are an existing customer, you can register a complaint by logging into your customer portal and submitting a support ticket, or by calling us on 0808 164 2111.

If you are not currently an existing customer, but have a complaint about Savings, please call us on the number above.

Lending Complaint
To learn more about our Lending complaints process, please click here.

General Complaint
If your complaint does not relate to Savings or Lending, please email us at

What We Need From You
If you wish to make a complaint, we would be grateful if you could provide the following:

  • Your account number (If applicable)
  • Your daytime telephone number (where we can contact you if we need to) and any preferred contact times
  • Details of your complaint
  • Details of how you would like us to put it right
  • Copies of any relevant letters and/or additional documentation to support your complaint

Our Complaints Process

However you choose to contact us, our aim is to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Where we can reach an agreement within 3 business days, we will send you a message to confirm we have resolved the issue.
If the issue is more complex or we can’t resolve the problem within 3 days, we will:

  • Provide you with the name and contact details of the person dealing with your complaint
  • Send you a message to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days
  • Where necessary, contact you if we need more information to help us better understand your concerns
  • Fully investigate your complaint. Whilst the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gives us 8 weeks to resolve complaints, we will always aim to resolve a complaint within 15 working days from the date of receipt. If it is going to take us longer than this, we will tell you and ensure that we keep you updated on progress.
  • Send you our final response. This will confirm our decision regarding your complaint and, where appropriate, what we will do to put things right. Our final response will also include details on how you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if you remain unhappy with our decision.
  • In the unlikely circumstance that we are unable to resolve your complaint within 8 weeks, we will send you a detailed progress report explaining why we have been unable to do so and confirming when we expect to be able to send you our final response.

What happens if we can’t agree a solution?

GB Bank is covered by the Financial Services Ombudsman Service (FOS). The FOS provides customers with a free, independent service for resolving disputes with financial firms. If you are not satisfied with our final response, or if we have not issued our final response within 8 weeks from the date you first raised your complaint, you can refer your case to FOS. Note: They will not consider your complaint unless you’ve tried to resolve it with us first.

Their address is:

GB Bank customers that are either one of the following may be eligible to take their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

  • micro-enterprise with an annual turnover or balance sheet up to 2m and fewer than 10 employees; or
  • a charity with an annual income of less than £6.5 million; or
  • small-medium sized enterprise (SME) with an annual turnover of no more than £6.5 million and fewer than 50 employees; or
  • a trust has a net asset value of less than £5 million

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